

29 marzo 2011

10.000 VISITAS / 10.000 VISITORS

Gracias a todos ...

Gracias a todos por vuestra contribución, con vuestras visitas y opiniones en este blog, desde su apertura el pasado 24 de septiembre de 2010, ha conseguido las primeras 10.000 visitas.
Desde mi rincón seguiré aportando la información que pueda para contribuir en todo lo que se pueda en la pesca a mosca y la pesca en general.
Un saludo a todos.
David Romanillos

Captura y Suelta (CATCH & RELEASE)

Thanks to all who have contributed in some way with your views and opinions in this blog, since its opening last September 24 have achieved the first 10.000 visits from many countries. From my corner I will continue providing the information. I can to contribute as much as you can in fly fishing and fishing in general.
Greetings to all.
David Romanillos

Catch & Release

2 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations David! You have a very nice blog with great pictures, and I like the way you keep promoting Catch & Release every time!
    And it looks like we’re celebrating together.

  2. Hello Lonsome piker, thank you very much for your visit and opinion. The same for you.
